What’s The Purpose?

Doing Business In The 21st Century Purpose Economy. What Makes It So Different. What Does It Take. And Where Do We Come In.



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The Become Framework® is a practical and comprehensive methodology that allows your business to operate as a purpose-driven entity.

Transform your business and Become:

  • Intrinsically purpose-driven vs extrinsically money-driven
  • Artisanal give-driven vs industrial get-driven
  • Product-centric vs process-centric
  • We-centric collaborative vs I-centric political
  • Responsibility-driven vs task-driven
  • Organized like a startup vs a hierarchical steamer
  • Fully harmoniously aligned vs a collection of silos

“We implemented the Become Framework through a Become Program with a leadership coalition of 90 participants. A unique program that worked out even better than we expected. It created great ownership within the organization and met all the objectives we had set and more. Absolutely unique!”

Leo Oosterveer  |  CEO Unilever Food solutions

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“We used the Become Framework to streamline our business-to-business operations in the Benelux and we loved it's approach as it helps you see your organization in a different light. It is as unconventional as it is effective.”

Ton van Garderen |  General Manager Apple Benelux

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How to apply the Become Framework®

train-icon Simply apply the Become Framework® in your business yourself by taking the necessary Become Courses™ and purchasing the necessary Become tools to then transform your business into a purpose-driven entity.
professional-consultant-icon Engage a Become Purpose Strategist™ trained and certified by us who can organize, coordinate and facilitate the necessary Become Programs for you to transform your business into a purpose-driven entity.
Service-icon1 Become a Become Purpose Strategist™ helping your clients become thriving purpose-driven businesses with better business results, a more creative work-environment, and intrinsically motivated employees.
Service-icon2 Become a Become Service Partner™ by doing the Become Framework Introduction Course™ and aligning your own business services with the Become Framework methodology for Become Framework using clients.
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Some Become Framework® Users

Over the past 15 years, more and more brands and corporations have started using the Become Framework®. During that time, the Become Framework® evolved into the all-encompassing system it is today. In the beginning, it was a closed system that we introduced ourselves at our multinational clients. Since this year, we have made the Become Framework® available to everyone and it can be applied both by businesses themselves and by independent consultants applying it at their clients.

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“In the old days we used to hire traditional consultants or other specialists when we had a problem that needed to be fixed. The Become Framework approach, especially in the hands of a Become Purpose Strategist™, works differently. It takes advantage of the knowledge and expertise present in the company and channels that to optimize the business. In this way, you as an enterprise become your own consultancy. It is a unique, systematic and highly effective approach that I truly recommend.”

Gaby Vreeken |  Marketing Director Bayer Consumer Care 

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“Something unexpected happened when we started using the Become Framework®. We had expected our customer satisfaction rate and revenue to go up, but we also thought we would have to spend more money to achieve that. Our ratings did go up, but operating expenses actually decreased. And there were more unexpected changes: profit and employee motivation went through the roof, product innovation accelerated and absenteeism went down. We have never seen changes like that!”

Johan Buigholt | Strategy Officer Univé 

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Books for website

The trilogy that will change it all

This trilogy is Become co-founder Eric HJ Bartels' first English work and will be published in the second half of 2024. Eric and his team conducted 20 years of scientific research with 500 international business leaders and combined that with scientific and philosophical insights from famous scientists like Georg Hegel, Abraham Maslow, Harry Harlow, Edward Deci, Naom Chomski, Benjamin Libet, Carl Rogers, Martin Seligman, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The three books at the crossroads of science, philosophy, and business outline the logical development of human history, the unique transformation phase the West is in, and how your business may capitalize on it. Unlock the Power of Purpose, the first of the three books, explains the science behind the new business methodology Become Framework® for the purpose age. The second book, Activate The Power Of Purpose, covers the findings and its commercial applications. Operate The Power Of Purpose, the third book in the trilogy, is the most practical because it precisely describes the Become Framework® methodology and change management program to transform your business from a 20th-century industrial business to a 21st-century purpose-driven business.

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"We did a nearly two-year Become Program implementing the Become Framework® under the guidance of a renowned Become Purpose Strategist, transforming from a typical industrial potato products manufacturer to a true purpose- and value-driven brand, offering elegantly simple potato enjoyment. An incredible achievement that proves the tremendous power of the Become Framework and Program."

Lorenzo Gardelli | Vice-President Product Studio Lamb Weston

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About our founder

Eric HJ Bartels is a well-known Dutch serial entrepreneur as well as a philosopher, researcher and author. Eric started the world's first Internet store Shopnet in 1988, the first electronic marketplace TransOpen in 1992 and the first multichannel communications agency MagicMinds in 1997. His books, based on 20 years of sound scientific research, describe the philosophy and social movement behind the Become Framework®, as well as the unique behaviors of give-mindset driven purpose leaders and businesses like Steve Jobs and Apple, but also smaller, highly innovative companies like StackBlitz, Linktree and Adalo. Eric advises high-profile CEOs and politicians and regularly gives lectures in Europe, England and the United States. He also appears regularly on the front pages of well-known Dutch papers and magazines.

Learn more about Eric

“If there are elements within our business that need to be optimized, or where change is desirable, we use the Become Framework. It's that simple!”

Hong Liem |  Commercial Director Walt Disney Benelux

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