20th century industrial businesses operate from the money-driven get-mindset. They are not purpose-driven, but money-driven. 98% of 21st century businesses still operate this way. But a small but growing group of 21st century businesses operate from the sartisinal give-mindset. Their primary goal is to give real value to the world. They are not money-driven, but purpose-driven. These businesses have an artisanal culture and are, interestingly, making exponentially more money than the money-driven companies.
In 20th century industrial get-mindset and therefore money-driven businesses, the product or service is just a means to make money. In 21st century artisanal give-mindset and therefore purpose-driven businesses the product and/or service is the goal and making money is a consequence. A fundamentally different mindset. Purpose-driven businesses are totally passionate about their products and/or services that are truly central to the business.
20th century industrial get-mindset and therefore money-driven businesses put people at the service of the process. Thus, not personal responsibility is central, but servitude to process. In 21st century artisanal give-mindset and therefore purpose-driven businesses, people and their own autonomous responsibility and creativity are central and process is at their service. Or: get-mindset businesses are essentially assembly lines, 21st century give-mindset businesses are essentially artist studios.
In 20th century industrial get-mindset and therefore money-driven businesses, both employees and departments are self-interested and task-driven. The result: political tug-of-war. In 21st century artisanal give-mindset and therefore purpose-driven businesses, both employees and departments are guided by a deep intrinsic common purpose to do good combined with autonomous self-responsibility to contribute optimally to it. As a result: total alignment.