

A few years ago I met Eric Bartels, researcher, author and CEO of Become Alliance. For almost 20 years, Eric has been researching the behavior of purpose-driven companies, and has not only written three books about it but also developed a unique methodology together with his research team, called the Becoming Framework. I realized that this approach could lift us to a whole new level, not only because it is much faster and more effective than anything we had done before, but also because there is full ownership among employees and you see real improvements in daily operations, including unprecedented sales increases. And that’s exactly what it did for us. Truly unique!  It is a workshop-based approach I can honestly recommend to everyone.

Frits van Eerd | CEO Jumbo Supermarkten

Jumbo Supermarkets

Making purpose a brilliant reality

Jumbo Supermarkets is a Dutch family business that grew out of a wholesale food business.

When Frits van Eerd, grandson of the founder of this wholesaler, became CEO of Jumbo Supermarkets, Jumbo was still a very small company. Under his inspired leadership, the company eventually grew to become the second largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands.

This unique growth had to do with the specific DNA Frits van Eerd brought to the company. A creative, unconventional entrepreneurial mentality always aimed at doing things differently from other supermarkets with a focus on making grocery shopping truly fun on all levels.

However, Jumbo grew not only by doing things differently from other supermarkets, but also by buying and then integrating other supermarkets. As a result, the company grew to a total workforce of 60,000. Frits van Eerd realized that this was moving the company further and further away from its original DNA and thus its original purpose. Something that always happens when businesses get bigger. As he got to know Eric Bartels through the research work Eric does, Frits asked him if he would be willing to do a Become Program himself at Jumbo with 45 leaders of the company. The goal of the program was to get the DNA and thus the purpose of the company razor-sharp again and then let it guide the behavior of the entire company. Subsequently, that is exactly what happened, resulting in tremendous unity within the business.

  • A Become Program using the following canvases and tools:
  • Become Purpose Canvas
  • Become Strategy Canvas
  • Become Tactics Canvas
  • Become Roadmap Canvas
  • Become Framework User Manual
  • Become Archetypes User Manual
  • Become Program Center

How Jumbo applied the Become Framework

Jumbo used a Become Purpose Strategist™ to facilitate the Become Program.
